Who is the "Player of the Eighth" in your heart?
- "Look at that hustle play by Brett Gardner!"(TBS的播報員Ernie Johnson )
- "And now comes to Jeter. That ball hit well. Fareball! Into the corner,left.Gardner is around third, and the Yankees are down five to two"
- "Runners at first and second with nobody outs."
- "Rodriguez is 0 for 3 and a couple of strikeouts. That ball hit like a bullet pass Michael Young! That will score Jeter. Here comes Swisher. It's a one-run-game!"
- "Right back up the middle. This is gonna tie the game! It's 5-5!"
- "Shatter his bat, and the Yankees have the lead!"
筆者心中的Player of the Eighth是Derek Jeter。正如Gardner上壘之後,Kerry Wood湊向Mo說,「這是這場比賽最重要的打席」,Mo也同意。
上述的每個打席都有其珍貴之處,Gardner以小老弟的角色帶頭向前衝,強勢捍衛了洋基僅剩六個出局數的反攻空間,開始加溫球隊士氣;Swisher, Teixeira沉穩地選球創造了滿壘的契機,造成對方的壓力;A-Rod, Cano的對決將洋基帶離困境;Marcus一棒將洋基載往勝利。
有鑑於此,筆者將心中的Player of the Eighth頒給Jeter,各位看倌你們又頒給誰呢?